About us

Charles The Son - Holding

It became at a first glance an anxiety upon issues such as the increase of poverty, the increase on inequality between people, and the enrichment of few in deterrence of many others.

Then, it became a concern about the spread of illegal activities in general, therefore businesses created under the perfect excuse of "making your life better" but in the reality of benefiting few or even only a sole individual.

CTS Holding is above all mentioned an idea of a business model that strives to tackles these issues, by being valued far from a solely profitable system, but a true pathway to incentive entrepreneurs to apply in their business models a more human-based values to mitigate and prevent potential harms to world society.

This business was built to prove money can't buy happiness, once happiness is inside each of us. Happiness is a state, not a "status", therefore far from any related material aspects.

Carlos Imbrosio Filho

Founder & Director at CTS Holding
Scientific & Academic Researcher
Law, Sociology and Political Science Fields 

Introduction to CTS Holding

How does that work?

Charles The Son Holding is active in building a "new" business philosophy. We provide consultancy in the field of business management, with a greater focus on startups or even new entrepreneurs (small and medium-sized) who are joining the market and need support to bring their ideas to life. 

In addition, we provide continuous support to the business, based on the structuring and systematization of the business activity, with a view to the sustainable growth of the business, in addition to providing valuable advice (consulting) and a vast network of connections that allow companies to find personalized opportunities (e.g., potential investors, differentiated opportunities in markets of goods and services), always with a focus on improving the quality of goods and services Provided.

If you are interested, please contact us.

Services Provided by CTS Holding:

Law consultancy

  • Building your brand and name (according to local patent application)
  • Registration process (according to local Law statements)
  • Compliance and regulation deployment

Business consultancy

  • Business plan (creation and restructuring)
  • Branding (creation or updating)
  • Market analysis (strategic planning)
  • Fundraising and prospecting (building a solid network)
  • Training (leadership and people's management, performance tracking on production)
  • Tracing and tracking goals (continuous data management)

Associated partnerships in automotive and construction fields as a part of our business main core values, such as environmental, social and human being friendly, we deal with companies that are committed to their clients and to the world.

In the food field, we aim on the primary restaurants and grocery stores in the sense of building a new philosophy based on both circular economy and zero-waste.

Garment industries are also a focus when it comes to zero-waste and circular economy trends, once the application of recyclable materials and the reuse on the used clothes are the priority to be set by the businesses in this sector.

Our project will apply the latest compatible technologies to mix the use of renewable energy sources (solar and wind) in order to automatize any business, that can be also spread to residential projects (construction partnerships).

We do care about the lifetime on our society, and the world deserves the best.  

Curious about how that works?


Carlos Imbrosio Filho - Founder

Position in the Project

  • Founder & Director

Academic Background

  • Doctorate in Law at Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa - UAL - expected 2024 - Lisbon, Portugal
  • Master in European Union Law at Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Nova de Lisboa - FDUNL - Lisbon, Portugal
  • Specialist in Human Rights at University of Coimbra - Ius Gentium Conimbrigae - IGC - Coimbra, Portugal
  • Specialist in Management for Small and Medium Enterprises at Pontifícia Universidade Católica - PUC-RJ - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Post graduate in Real Estate Law at Universidade Veiga de Almeida - UVA/RJ - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Language Skills

  • Portuguese (native)
  • English
  • Spanish

Areas of Expertise and Research

  • State Law & Constitutional Law - law consultancy level
  • Public and Private International Law - law consultancy level
  • Compliance and Corporate Law - law consultancy level
  • Leadership and Entrepreneurship - corporate level
  • People's Management - corporate level
  • Human Rights & Peace Culture - law research level
  • International Security & Public Security - law research level

Interested in becoming an associated partner?